Your school has added Infinity to their subscription package; find out here how to access this game-changing digital quiz generator!
White Rose Infinity is our new quiz creator offering limitless question sets for KS2 focusing on number fluency and confidence!
When logged in to your White Rose Education account click ‘My account’ in the top right corner.
Select 'Infinity' from the menu bar.
You will then be welcomed to your White Rose Infinity Dashboard!
If you're not yet a member of your school's group with access to premium resources, please contact the Manager of your school group account.
If your school does not yet hold an Infinity subscription you can find out more here.
Your Dashboard provides you easy access to:
- Your quizzes - Quizzes you have made or accessed recently
- Quizzes shared within your school group
- The White Rose Education Scheme of learning quiz collections
Infinity provides teachers with an infinite bank of high-quality fluency questions linked directly to the White Rose schemes using models and images your children will be familiar with.
Whether you create a fully customised quiz specific to the needs of learners in your class or use our bank of quizzes designed to perfectly align with each block of learning in the White Rose Maths scheme, you can easily add targeted fluency practice to your lesson plan.
White Rose Infinity+ will be available as an add on to the core Infinity product. Infinity+ will include pupil logins and the ability for teachers to track performance of their pupils.
Infinity+ will integrate with your schools MIS system (SIMs, Bromcom, Arbor etc) via WONDE which will allow the following:
- Automatic pupil account creation
- Question by question analysis
- Data can be stored to build a historic picture of pupils’ performance
- Spot trends and patterns in pupil/class performance