How to browse and find all quizzes within my Infinity account

Want to browse quizzes or have a specific quiz in mind? No problem, we have everything covered.

On your Infinity Dashboard, shared custom quizzes will be shown in your school quizzes section and White Rose curated quizzes in the 'Scheme of learning quiz collections'.

In 'Your quizzes', you can revisit your drafted customised quizzes and recently viewed published custom quizzes.

Select ‘See all’ to be taken to the quiz library from your dashboard.

Have a specific quiz or year focused quiz in mind?

You can filter quizzes by year group and quiz owner in the Infinity Library!

When you filter by year group all quizzes created for that year group will be returned.

Want to access all quizzes created by a specific user? Easy! Filter all quizzes by owner in the ‘Filter by owner’ option.

You can checkout our walkthrough video here: 


If you know the quiz ID (or part of it) for the quiz you wish to use, you can search for this in the search bar in the top right of the library.

You can also use our quiz search bar to find all quizzes by title key word.