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  2. Managing your online account

Introducing our new White Rose account area

We’re thrilled you have chosen White Rose to support you in improving education for everyone, everywhere. We’ve made some improvements to the ‘My account’ area of our website and we’d love to show you around!

Learn by watching rather than reading? Jump to our video introduction

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Account settings

Group Settings

Digital tools


Here you will be able to access your recently viewed resources so you can quickly pick up where you left off.

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If you have access to a resources subscription, click the ‘Resources’ menu item to choose the year group or digital tool you are looking for.

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If you have access to an On-demand CPD subscription, click the ‘Courses’ menu item to view your courses. You’ll also see a ‘Group progress’ tab if you are a group manager. Click this to view the performance of users in your group.

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Click the ‘Orders’ menu item to view all your orders with us and renew your subscriptions.


Account settings:

Click the ‘Account settings’ menu item to update your details, change your password and access ‘Your three words’ for the digital tools.

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Group settings:

Click the ‘Group settings’ menu item to view, add and remove users from your group.

Users within a group can be one of two roles:

  • Members – Can view subscription resources.
  • Managers – Can view, add and remove users in the group.

Only managers can see the ‘Group settings’ menu item.

Digital tools:

Digital tools are now available under the ‘Resources’ menu item. If you use our suite of digital tools, you’ll need a unique three-word code to view and share these tools with your learners. Click the ‘Account settings’ menu item, then click the ‘Your three words’ tab to view, generate and refresh this code.


Prefer to watch a video walkthrough? See the below example where a user explores their new account area: